04: Know Your Ideal Customer

Sep 01, 2022

Stop chasing people and have them come to you, excited about what you have. 

If you're just starting out, you might be unsure about who your ideal customer is. However, it's important to have a clear picture of this person in your mind before you start marketing and selling. You can’t attract someone if you don’t know what they want, right?

In this episode, I will be going through the absolute best way for you to begin to attract the right people to you. The people who want and need your products. The people who want a need your opportunity. By implementing what you learn in this episode, you can stop chasing people stop hunting down prospects, and start attracting the people who truly want what you have. 

Are you ready? Let's dive in!


Key Highlights:

[01:47] Know your customer’s avatar

[02:54] The power of social media in building your network marketing business

[03:34] Who is your ideal customer?

[04:11] Why identifying your ideal customer is key to the success of your business

[05:39] How to figure out who is your ideal customer

#1: List out the benefits of your key products

#2: How old are they?

#3: Do they have children? How old and how many?

#4: What is their marital status?

#5: What are their hobbies?

#6: What do they like to do?

#7: What does their typical day look like for them?

#8: What are their pain points?

#9: What keeps them up at night?

#10: What are some of the things that they would like to change in their life?

#11: What do they really need? What do they really want?

#12: How will your ideal customer feel if they were able to transform and adjust and fix the pain points, frustrations, and stress in their life?

[10:24] What your ideal customer resembles


Notable Quotes:

  • My mentors taught me back then that, “talk to everyone within three feet.”
  • The first and actually the best way to attract the right people to you, you need to identify and ask yourself, Who is your ideal customer?
  • Your ideal customer is your perfect customer, your perfect distributor or team member who wants and needs exactly what it is that you're offering and selling and you don't have to convince or beg.
  • By honing your messaging to address and solve the needs and wants and pain points of your ideal customer, your sales and engagement will greatly increase. 
  • Writing content without knowing who you are writing it for is like planning a menu for a mystery dinner guest.
  • Always remember, as with all aspects of building your network marketing, business, and really anything that you want to have success with in life, consistency is always the key.



Grab your FREE gift! Grab The Ultimate Home Business Success Guide for Single Parents now! You will get 7 insider tips on how to build the business you want so you can live the life you deserve. 



Samantha Gamble 

IG @theSamanthaGamble

FB www.Facebook.com/Sam.GambleJanvrin 

Email [email protected] 


Links to Episodes Mentioned: 

Episode 3: What to Post to Maximize Success

Episode Website


View/Download Episode PDF



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